Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wrapping up Salzburg and off to Vienna (Wein)

Our hotel concierge suggested a restruant with traditional dishes. Char had the wiener schnitzel and Krystal had fried chicken (but just to try the cucumber dill potato salad!). Veal is quite tasty battered and deep fried with cranberry sauce. We ordered a very expensive traditional desseret, Salzburger Nockerl. It's just a big 'ol soufle served on cranberry sauce! We ate it, but cannot reccommend it. :) We gave 1/3 of it away to the people next to us, and they loved it...so be it. We wanted traditional regional food and we got it, along with italian children chucking food stuffs out of their 4th story window into the courtyard. But we ratted them out, and we are pretty sure their butts got canned.

The smiles were before we tried the stuff!

Do I have anything in my teeth?

Sunday morning took us to church where we met several other travelers. The ward is very friendly and accomdated us with headsets for translation. In sunday school we had an Elder sit behind us a talked into our ears for translation. He was from Maryland. After church we met 2 sisters serving from Ohio and Utah. The travelers we met, whom Char nicknamed as "Louisanna" and "Utah" shared the cab with us back to the hotel and saved us 5 euro's! The boys were too young for Charlotte and Krystal was too old for them.

After church we saddled up our backpacks and walked to the train station where we bought our train pass (ouch) and headed back to Vienna. Bye Salzburg, you have been good to us!

On the train we found ourselves sitting behind a mother and son (9 years or so). The darling little boy was a royal pain. He fought with his mom when she tried to take a toy away from him, and they had slap fight right there in front of us! Let's just say we were glad when that train ride was over.
Waiting for our train

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